Pay Online
You may pay your ticket online. Please find your case using any of the following:
Search by Vehicle License
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Pay by Telephone
To pay by telephone, call the toll-free number 1-844-399-5259. You must have your exact 9 digit ticket number available when you call.
Pay by Mail
Enclose a check or money order in U.S. funds made payable to King County District Court, for the amount listed on the front of the ticket. The violation will go onto your driving record if “traffic” is checked on the front of the ticket. DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL. NSF checks will be treated as a failure to respond to the ticket. NOTE: The check or money order should be made PAYABLE TO: King County District Court. Include the infraction case number on your payment. Payment should beSENT TO: King County District Court, 516 Third Avenue, Room E-340, Seattle, WA 98104.
Time Payments
If you require additional time to pay you can setup Time Payments with District Court.
Mitigation Hearing
On your copy of the ticket, check the box for a mitigation hearing. By selecting this option, you are agreeing you committed the violation(s) and want a mitigation hearing to explain the circumstances. You will be sent a court date and you are promising to appear for the hearing. This violation will go onto your driving record if “traffic” is check on the front of the ticket (except for traffic camera violations, parking violations, and deferred findings). In some cases the court may allow time payments or reduction of the penalty. The request for a mitigation hearing must be sent to the courthouse location listed on the front of the ticket.
Contested Hearing
On your copy of the ticket, check the box indicating you want to contest (challenge) any/all of the violation(s) listed on the ticket. You will be sent a court date and you are promising to appear for the hearing. The city/state must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that you committed the violation(s). You can request witnesses, including the officer who issued the ticket, to appear at the hearing. You must contact the court to find out how to request a subpoena for a witness to appear at the hearing. If the court finds you committed the violation, the violation will go onto your driving record if “traffic” is check on the front of the ticket (except for traffic camera violations, parking violations, and deferred findings). The request for a contested hearing must be sent to the courthouse location listed on the front of the ticket.
Web Statement
Return to Case Search and query for your case. From the results, select your case, then navigate to the Summary folder. Select Web Hearing in the upper right-hand corner and follow the prompts. NOTE: you will need to create a portal account to submit a Web Hearing statement.